House of Alternate Realities

My days were nights, and I looked up to the floors.

I read silently in a corner that was lit by perplexity before

Getting up and stepping around the numerous chandeliers in the house.

Continue reading House of Alternate Realities

I’m The Hero

I’ve awoken from a terrible nightmare.

But it turns out that it is reality, and

I am the hero in the story of my life.

I must battle wrongdoers with wit,

Conquer my fears, and befriend my foes.

I’m the hero.

Not Depressed Anymore

Hello Everyone 🙂

So I’ve had a bit of a rough last few weeks (which is why recent content has been rather depressing).  I apologize for the melancholy mood.  It’s just that I’ve been struggling with depression, and writing is a good outlet for me.  Why was I depressed?  Well…   Continue reading Not Depressed Anymore